Selected popular press articles and media written by or featuring CASL members are provided.
See News for other media covering the lab’s research.
How Hunger Can Warp Our minds
Kristen Lindquist speaks to BBC Future about the effects of hunger on emotion
What makes a woman’s body?
Mallory Feldman and Kristen Lindquist, Aeon Magazine
Is joy the same in every language?
Kristen Lindquist speaks to National Geographic about the role of categorization and language in emotional experiences
How Deep Do We Go? Behavior, Mind and the 4-Billion Year History of Life
Kristen Lindquist speaks in a roundtable discussion on the role of biology and culture in the emergence of emotion and consciousness
Joshua Conrad Jackson & Kristen Lindquist, Behavioral Scientist
How do you know which emotion a facial expression represents?
Kristen Lindquist speaks to Scientific American
What is love? It depends which language you speak
Joshua Jackson’s and Kristen Lindquist’s recent Science findings are covered by the magazine.
America has a hunger problem
Kristen Lindquist speaks to the Atlantic about the role of hunger in mood.
do kids feel stronger emotions than adults?
Kristen Lindquist, Gizmodo
Here’s Why You Get Hangry, According to Science
Kristen Lindquist speaks to Time Magazine about why people get “hangry”
Why Do We Get Hangry? Study Offers New Explanation for Why You're Not Yourself When You're Hungry
Kristen Lindquist speaks to Newsweek about why hunger impacts emotion
The science behind being 'hangry'
Kristen Lindquist speaks to NBC News about how hunger turns up the dial on frustrating experiences
When does hungry become hangry?
Jennifer MacCormack, The Conversation
Constructing emotionS
Megan McDonough, CEO of Wholebeing Institute interviews Kristen Lindquist
the emotional basis of prejudice
Kristen Lindquist, Emotion News
Does labeling your feelings help regulate them?
Kristen Lindquist, Emotion News
Where in the brain are emotions?
Kristen Lindquist, Emotion News
How to keep your New Year’s Resolution in 2015
Kristen Lindquist, Emotion News